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Business Meeting

Accounting Software Advisor

CapActix provides accounting software setup and advisor services. Every business has unique requirements in different fields, and the same implies to business accounting software too. Software application needs mostly depend on the environment and business domain. The products and solutions available in the market could be fantastic and highly productive, but these are not easy to use. The best accounting software for small businesses might be difficult to implement and require advance IT infrastructure.

Every business needs the best advice while choosing integrated accounting software. Also, the existing data should also be transferred to the new system plus staff training is essential because new technologies are not everyone’s cup of tea. We at CapActix, help you with everything from best advice to data transfer and implementation of software to staff training.

Accounting software

The following describes the range of our accounts receivable outsourcing services:

Account receivable serivces
  • Making invoices in accordance with the delivery of goods and services and estimates

  • Updating the systems with new invoices

  • Accounts receivable information is promptly updated

  • Regular communication for collecting receivables

  • Update on receipts for the ledger of accounts receivable

  • Updating the advances that were received in addition to receipts for credit sales, etc.

  • handling the unpaid invoices by posing the proper questions

  • Account statements must be prepared, and clients must be updated for reconciliation.

  • updating clients and other touch points for discrepancies in the account statement reconciliation of records.

  • various analyses of accounts receivable, including analyses of ageing, company segments, client areas, etc.

  • Prediction of future cash flows based on current receivables

The following describes the range of our accounts receivable outsourcing services:

  • Depending on the purchase order, the accounting system updates Bills and notes for goods receipts

  • Examining the vendors' approvals in light of purchase orders and vendor follow-ups

  • Getting rid of problems with the following points:

  • Purchase orders that aren't authorised or budgeted

  • Unauthorized receipt of goods or services

  • Non-receipt of goods/services despite bills from vendors

  • Inconsistency between vendor bills and the purchase order

  • Errors in computation on the suppliers' bill

  • Bills from vendors are posted to the accounting system.

  • Advice on discount availability and early payment

  • Writing payment instructions for the upcoming payments

  • Different drafting is used for the statement for the vendor accounts as well as the credit and debit notes.

  • Reunion of the vendor account statement

  • Timely notification of unpaid supply amounts, unfulfilled PO commitments, etc.

  • Analysis of segments, ageing of payables, etc.

  • Analysis of vendors' past purchases and price patterns

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